== OpenCart v1.4.9.3 == FIXES: - BUG: Notice: Undefined index: postcode_required if country set to please select - BUG: customer checks out and wants to change either the Shipping or Payment address, a "The page you requested cannot be found" error appears - BUG: Homepage modules cannot use document library class methods because the "header" module was loading before the homepage modules. - BUG: Disabling Bestseller items causes the limit to be (limit-1) - BUG: setting controller had copy/paste bug for icon/logo check - BUG: php.ini setting "max_upload_filesize" should be "upload_max_filesize" which explains why it didn't work - BUG: Paypal standard sandbox mode shows "text_testmode" instead of the correct testmode message - BUG: Postcode callback for address page was wrong - BUG: When reviews disabled, sort by still shows reviews in list - BUG: undefined index: default on customer edit screen for multiple addresses - BUG: mail subject and sender were not decoding html for ", &, ', ø, etc causing mail not to send Added: - Additional attempts to get rid of the cache unlink error messages - Paypal passing of state and phone for credit card address - Copied products are disabled by default and marked with [*] - Product Price Column on Product List page including special price - Google Base Feed support for currency (USD, EUR, GBP) - Removed "self" from related products and category parents - Improved document class loading in header.php - Enhanced currency library functions - Added Trim to address details to avoid spaces - Added UCWords to address details to auto capitalize - Alternating color rows for admin lists - Added x_invoice_num to authorize.net - Added slight improvement to category caching for empty categories - Added support for discounts greater than product total for paypal standard - Added Hawkey's improved version of Admin Order Edit. This version comes with the following improvements and limitations: ---- It will allow you to add or delete products and it will update the Subtotal, TAX and Total. ---- It will also recognize if a product is a Special even-tough it will not show the special price in the list ---- It will recognize Quality discount with date, customer group, and quantity. ---- It will NOT let you change the payment nor the shipment method. ---- It will NOT let you change the Shipping costs. ---- Be aware that if you change the sort order of the "Extension->Order Total" area, it will not map correctly to the values in previously edited orders. == OpenCart v1.4.9.2 == FIXES: - Deleting orders throws error "Notice: Undefined index: subtract" - Email address fields do not support "-" dash characters. - Guest Checkout adds store tax even when from a non-taxable address - Images with uppercase extensions don't resize properly - CSRF vulnerability in 1.4.8, 1.4.9, and - Geo Zones not deleting properly - Search parameters not correctly encoded such as # character - USPS has some typos and incorrect tax class - Editing customer removes default shipping address designation - Sales report not calculating tax Added: - new "default" radio button in customer edit (as part of fix above) - email regex pattern is now defined one time as a constant instead of being redefined in 8 places as a variable. Now it can be edited in the system/startup.php file - Added Cumbria to the UK zone list == OpenCart v1.4.9.1 == FIXES: - Frontend not viewable in Maintenance Mode, even when logged in as admin. - Adding items to cart shows no products in cart - Deleting Downloads from Admin does not remove file - Paypal warning about Receiver Email doesn't match - Cart sidebox checkout button is HTTP instead of HTTPS - Paypal Standard not passing Handling and other order fees. - Paypal Standard not setting state for Authorization mode. - Transparent PNG Images not always working. - Unchecking all user group options gives foreach error when logging in with a user in that group - Product report grouped by product_id instead of model since that is a not a unique field - Maintenance mode bypass for payment callback updates - Product stock restore on order delete - Restored the default --None-- option in the order status list (added in 1.4.8 and lost in 1.4.9) - Improved default confirm message to be clear about the action - Fixed Search page bookmark - Added support for + in email addresses - Fixed page total for filter by customer group on admin customer list - Admin user and Customer email logins were case-sensitive - Fixed account/invoice error when no order id is supplied - Fixed HTTP to HTTPS in breadcrumb for account related pages - Partial fix for & in storename and contact form == OpenCart v1.4.9 == FIXES: - Fixed additional email for loop issue causing "Please Wait" and "Error Send To Required" - Improved featured products query to make all status checks and return all pertinent data to match latest and bestseller queries. - If no shipping, tax zone set to buyer's payment zone instead of default store zone - Session uses full path for session to prevent session sharing - Removed unneeded products variable from admin order.php - Removed error on empty language file - admin/controller/catalog/review.php double text validation cleaned up - Admin Order Edit now supports product options & updated grand total ADDED: - Feature Module uses category-style selector for products - Extension install/uninstall hook. Now when you install/uninstall extensions, if they have their own install/uninstall functions, they will be triggered. - Logout destroys session completely. - sort by model - Cache for featured products - Cache for categories - Image class supports proper extension name on resize and transparency for png and gif. - Extensions will "self-clean" if the files are deleted without uninstalling the extension first. - Restored "Show Out Of Stock warning" option in setting - Parent Category pages show image next to description - Select All / Unselect All to all checkbox lists - Postcode required option added to countries. Now postcode can be required on a per-country basis. - Coupon code can be entered on Payment AND Confirm page, for those payments that skip the payment page - New Paypal Improved. Itemized products, PDT support, debug messaging and more. - Added Northern Ireland zones to UK - FilesMatch check in htaccess to prevent viewing of tpl and ini files == OpenCart v1.4.8b == - Removed old latest code from home.php - Improved the token ignore - currency has check before format - tag search count fix - added load seo for the info module - Stock subtract bug fixed - fixed success/error message clear on admin extension page - fixed unlimited coupon setting fixed - fixed extra field requirement in store edit - Fixed download push feature - Added if statement around welcome box to not show if empty - Fixed some typos - Fixed category name validation to match db length (255) - Fixed default address option on edit address - Fixed tax from defaulting to store tax when display prices with tax is off == OpenCart v1.4.8 == FIXED: - Coupon discount check only for flat value coupons - Pagination in search & specials - Worldpay not updating order - Admin Country, Zone, & Download pagination - Thickbox agree to terms fix on checkout payment page - Continue button with ajax add to cart off goes to not found - Division by zero if catalog/admin item limit set to 0 (tho it should not be possible) - UPS error scenarios weren't showing properly - UPS weight display at the title instead of redundantly per-rate - UPS Test mode confusion cleared up - USPS weight display at the title instead of redundantly per-rate - removed "source" for ckeditor to cut down filesize - Add $config->set('config_language', $languages[$code]['code']); to index.php - Changed new tables for product_tags and stuff to utf8_bin - Order Comments not included in email - Added default invoice id & prefix to install/upgrade.sql - Added conditional check for the admin header base path: (HTTPS_SERVER) ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER; - restore all languages in backend even if disabled - replaced add to cart javascript: $('#add_to_cart').removeAttr('onclick'); to allow handling by other scripts. - sort arrow images were reversed - Perpetual Payments Test mode confusion cleared up - Featured limit default - add (int) to limit in model to prevent error - Specials fix for limit in sidebox - Going to wrong page while using SEO now shows error page - Fixed Combined Tax rate issue - Fixed Low Order Fee order total typo for tax setting - Fixed Sales tax issue for non-shipped products to use payment address - Install admin email not populating the user table - Update royal mail rates or make them editable from admin - Fix pp standard to use the update statuses and so that curl and fsock both use the proper "else" options. - Changed default success message "2-5 working days" to be more vague - Reordered the children for "common/header" to appear last so that document class methods can be called from within modules. - Fix default weight/length to default to what the setting has. - Bestsellers wasn't updating immediately after purchase because the cache wasn't cleared on purchase ADDED: - Category Description Name to be longer than 32 (255) - SEO proper "not found" redirect - mail parameters field to mail tab (useful for adding authentication "-f" options and more) - Full Customer Details in admin - Manual Order Edit - Additional checkbox for order update (Notify = send email, Update = add history) - confirm delete added to admin delete/uninstall actions - Longer email fields (96) - Added product tags to bottom of product page for easy cross-referencing. - Auto-select first radio button for shipping or payment - increased contact form character count from 1000 to 3000 - Fixed bug in thickbox js to allow use of rel tag for prev/next additional images with main image in popup - Show category description info even where there are no products - add customer email to invoice under the payment address - added order comments on invoice - moved some inline javascript to external files (ajax add to cart now in ajax_add.js) - moved coupon box to the payment page to allow coupons to change the possible payment options (i.e. freecheckout for 100% discount coupons) - Comments to order invoice - Counts for all tabs on product page - Optional checkbox to push updated downloads to all previous customers upon new version save - Added current download filename under the input box on admin download form - Options -Indexes and tpl file disallow to default .htaccess file to prevent showing directory listings - CSRF Fix for new admin user insert (captcha on user edit form) - Additional Images & Related products count added to tab on product page by default - Fixed LIQPAY confirm button - Disable Reviews option - Enhanced Order Email (HTML Admin emails) - Guest Checkout separate addresses - Enter key for Product filter in admin - Telephone number on invoice - Validation check to Product Copy (Daniels request) - Add model to the related products in product edit - Automatic Copyright in admin footer - Added MetaKeywords to products and categories - Added return on language load to allow simple array merge for language files - Added Send Newsletter By Products Purchased - Lots of improvements to cart sidebox (ajax delete item, all totals, view/checkout links) - GET method for add to cart - Add to cart button in all modules? small + button? - Stock decrease option moved to product level - Minimum Order Qty (per-product) - Product "cost" field - Add back default sort order - Individual zone/country/postcode for products - Cross-linked related products (relationship goes both ways now). Relating product A to B also relates B to A - Maintenance Mode - Multiple Email address for store email - remove/combine the Show Out of stock. Just show it when Stock checkout is no and product is out of stock - Add IP Address to order view - Freecheckout integrated into core. - Low Order Fee only applies if there is a subtotal, allowing free products to remain free - Homepage is now modular and new "home" position for modules configurable in admin - Additional ability to use "modularized" sideboxes on main page (3 across) by adding the module to the $this->children list. - Free Checkout as part of the core - Comments saved if payment checkbox not checked - Added customer email, telephone, ip to order email to make it more complete - Admin Token system for CSRF security - Royal Mail rates update == OpenCart v1.4.7 == FIXED: - Coupon discount taking more than the product total. Now matches max product total - "Total" order total module allowed negative totals if discounts exceeded total. Now stops at 0 - Several language duplicates removed - Some city names updated in sql - Fixed potential filemanager while loop error with readdir (Based on php.net's recommendation) - Fixed sagepay array for FailureURL - Fixed weight based shipping not supporting 0 cost - Fixed document $styles and $scripts on header.tpl to properly support the correct options - Shifted the shipping POST check to avoid reloading rate request when going to the payment page and not using quote session check - Cleaned up field size inconsistencies with email length between the validation checks and the db - Fixed login link to correct "&" vs "&"; - Account approve not allowing logins for existing customers - Fixed Google Sitemap xml error to correct "&" vs "&"; - Sort by price converting to string issue - store_url duplication in customer approval email - Fixed typo in customers "awating" approval function names - Fixed typo in order model for "notifiy" in the update function - Fixed incorrect Customers Awaiting Approval count on admin dashboard ADDED: - Universal Upgrade Script (supports upgrades as far back as v1.3.0) - Category Status in admin (per-category) - Information Status in admin (per-item) - Country Status in admin - Zone status in admin - Shipping Quote Session option in admin - Added version constant at the top of the startup.php file to allow programmatic usage - Added page warning on pages with multi-tabs to show error at top instead of just the field errors so it is clear - Items per page for admin rows configurable via admin - Items per page for catalog items configurable via admin (per store) - Show Weight on Cart page option in admin (per store) - Latest Module - Specials Module - Featured Module - Disable coupon order total will also disable coupon entry box on front end - Persist original route if login required - Disabling language removes requirement from need for entry in admin - Thickbox agree terms on checkout and create - Added Model Search checkbox on Advanced Search - Added Popular Products model function (Order by Viewed) for future use. - Added $product_info array to the product to make echoing additional fields easier - Improved order data return without double processing/subset - Added support for common base product discount pricing - Added Improved language support. Fallback to English for missing entries to avoid fatal errors over missing language file - Added setting language from url ...route=common/home&language=de - Added setting currency from url ...route=common/home¤cy=USD - Added Product Tag table and added search support in tags.