Entrances - Part 3

~Burying Entrances (DragonsIOAŠ) in Megaparks~

by Charlene

The most important concept to learn about building entrances with this trainer is the final ownership of the land (i.e. owned vs not owned). In order for the entrances to work properly:

1) The land under the entrance pathway and the land under the entrance booths (one each to the right and left of the entrance square) are on land that is NOT OWNED. 

2) The squares beyond the entrance and all of the park where you plan to build must be OWNED.

The newest DragonsIOA trainer makes it very easy to make this happen since you are now able to change the ownership of all types of land based on the type of "dirt" used.

This is a step-by-step walk through to bury a single entrances in a blank mega park (workbench).

Starting with a blank megapark workbench with the entrance in the desired location, invert the land [F12, "land tools", "invert map"], then Return to RCT. Change the land type under just the entrance booths and the paths between them to a unique land type (I used snow).

For this example, I only selected the land directly under the entrance, but you may select as much of the area between the entrance and the edge as you would like. (I did this for a reason shown a couple of steps down.)

Change the land ownership of all grass to "own" and all snow to "not own" [F12, "land tools", select land type of "snow", select "not own", then "change ownership", then select land type "grass", select "own", then "change ownership"]. Return to RCT. The fences are removed from the pathway between the entrance and the edge of the map. This will allow you selectively bury only those three squares.

Bury the entrance [F12, "land tools", then in the lower right corner select "use this height", then increase the setting to at least 6 more than the base height, then "flatten land"].

Invert the land back to normal and change the land under the pathway to the edge of the map to match the unique land type over the entrance (snow). 
Change the ownership of the unique land again to "not own" [F12, "land tools", select land type of "snow", select "not own", then "change ownership"].

The fences return between the entrance and the edge of the map. NOTE: there is no archway where the paths connects at the entrance. To do this, the land directly in front of and directly behind the entrance path need to be raised. (And yes, if you want to plan ahead, this could all be done by marking the squares you select in the first step). The entrance will be functional, but looks strange as peeps appear to walk through solid walls.

Adjust the land heights and types along the pathway to the edge as desired [F12, "land tools", "invert map", then return to RCT].

After adjusting the land, re-invert the map to normal [F12, "land tools", "invert map", then return to RCT].

Notice that the arch is now formed where the paths connect.
Finish decorating the owned land around the entrance.

Always be sure to save the game (preferably under a new name) and check the entrance to make sure it functions properly.

  • If you want to remove the ugly fence between the owned and unowned land, you can always use the latest version of the saved game modifier to remove them.

  • If you don't bury the entrances under at least 6 levels of dirt, there is a possibility that you can see a "ghost" of the entrance from certain angles. You may also run into a problem where the program tell you that you can't raise the dirt because the entrance is in the way. This is usually because the entrance was not completely covered. It is always easier to take away dirt than it is to add it back if you started out too short.

  • If you are working in a partially completed park, be sure that you do not have any paths adjoining the abyss at any point except where you want peeps to enter. Changing ownership of land can cause paths to connect to the edge of the map in multiple unwanted places, so be sure that the edges are free of paths.

  • Tutorial Copyright © by Charlene (CJK). Not to be reproduced without permission.


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